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Derek Johnstone Video Message



Order a personalised video message from a Rangers Legend at 5 Stars. All videos cost £25 including VAT and can be up to 45 seconds long.


All orders received by 12 noon on the 23rd of the month will be emailed and sent via WhatsApp to you by the 30th of the month.


Simply fill in the text field with your message, ensuring you include your correct email and mobile number.


Please note that these are personalised video messages and cannot be used to advertise any groups, products, organisations, or services. All messages are vetted, and any derogatory or sectarian remarks will be removed.

What would you like the player to say?

Up to 300 characters.

Contact Details: Provide the Email and Mobile Number

Up to 500 characters.


Video Messages Delivery Information

We guarantee a prompt delivery process for your personalised video message from a Rangers Legend at 5 Stars. Orders placed before 12 noon on the 23rd of each month will be emailed and sent to you via WhatsApp by the 30th of the same month. Please ensure you provide your accurate email address and mobile number when entering your message. Please be aware that these video messages are strictly for personal use and cannot be used to advertise any groups, products, organisations, or services. All messages undergo a thorough review to remove any derogatory or sectarian remarks.

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